Characters, Random determination of:
This chart lists all the available character types currently available in Guardians of Utaemia. Start by rolling on Chart #1 (follow the instruction to the right of the result after rolling):
Chart #1
%Roll: Character types:
01-50: Non-spell-casters Roll on Chart #2
51-00: Spell-Casters Roll on Chart #3
Chart #2
%Roll: Non-Spell-Caster classes:
01-08: Argonaught
09-16: Assassin
17-24: Deminaught
25-32: Forest-Knight
33-40: Gladiator
41-48: Guardian
49-56: Juggernaught
57-64: Monk, Shintar
65-72: Monk, Vekkarian
73-79: Recorder
80-86: Thief
87-93: Trainer
94-00: Warrior
Chart #3
%Roll: Spell-Caster classes:
01-05: Animationist
06-10: Bard
11-15: Conjurer
16-20: Divinationist
21-25: Druid
26-30: Elemental Magician
31-35: Empath
36-40: Enchanter
41-44: Fate
45-49: Healer
50-54: Illusionist
55-59: Light Weaver
60-64: Locust Magician
65-69: Magician
70-74: Mutant
75-78: Mystic
79-83: Necromancer
84-87: Psychic
88-91: Shaman
92-96: Spiritualist
97-00: Supernaturalist